Thanks to a number of generous donors and local business sponsors we are pleased to offer The Catherine Memorial Playground to our community.
This playground is a public use playground that will serve as a community connection for over 400 children and their families that use our soccer field every spring/fall and other local community children and their families.
We have dedicated the playground in honor of Rev. Catherine "Kitty" Hertzog, retired pastor of PGWC (2023) that passed away shortly after retiring.
We are honored to have paved the way for such a beautiful addition to our campus and cannot wait to see how the relationships built around this may bridge the unchurched to the church, ultimately leading the lost to Jesus.
Outreach is a major part of our church’s mission, and a playground has a tremendous visual impact within your community. When people see outdoor playground equipment, they instantly know that your church is family friendly. Kids may even see it and ask their parents to visit the church.
Many churches today struggle with attracting young families who sometimes find it hard to take time out of their busy schedules to attend services. Younger church members bring a fresh perspective to their small group studies and worship services that can help to build our church. New parents who might otherwise shy away from bringing their children to church will feel more welcome when they see a playground.
Giving young children a chance to run around on the playground can make them less squirmy during church services. Playing on the church playground equipment also helps kids to learn about the importance of taking care of their bodies. Running, jumping and climbing keeps kids fit, and being active at an earlier age means that they are more likely to keep up their level of physical activity as they mature into adults.
There are many lessons that are easier to teach on the playground. For instance, kids can learn how to be good sports as they engage in games and competitions in the play area. As children learn to wait their turn for a chance to go down the slide, they develop patience. Generosity, kindness and joyfulness are a few more traits that playgrounds help nurture.
Kids cannot always sit through lengthy church lessons. Instead, they may need their youth leaders to come up with creative ways to teach important Bible stories. Children can act out stories from their worship lessons so that they have more meaning.
Churches quickly get busy during gathering times, and children need somewhere to go and play. A playground stops kids from running around the parking lot or indoor areas of our worship building. People of all ages benefit from knowing that there is less likely to be an accident caused from having children run underfoot.
Though the playground will primarily be for children, we can also make it serve a purpose for everyone. Outdoor socials are a great way to encourage fellowship among church members of all ages.
Pine Grove Wesleyan Church
74 Bethel Rd. Pine Grove, PA 17963
(570) 345-8422
Worship with us on Sundays at 10:00AM with Kids Church directly following our worship through music time together.
Contact Us: pgwc74@gmail.com