We exist to help people know God, find freedom, discover purpose, and make a difference.
We believe in one God who exists in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God is unimaginably good and unconditionally loving, and His heart is to heal all that is broken in this world He has created.
God expressed himself fully in Jesus, who is fully God and fully human. He was born of a virgin and lived a sinless life, embodying God’s love for all people and his power to heal. He gave his life for us on the cross, freeing us to experience new life in Him. Now, He reigns at the right hand of the Father and intercedes for us.
The Holy Spirit is given to every follower of Jesus to fill us, adopt us into the family of God and empower us to be like Jesus. He transforms us in character by producing the fruit of the Spirit in us, and He gives us spiritual gifts to enable us to meet the needs of a hurting world.
We were created in the image of God to have community with Him and represent Him on earth. However, through a willful act of disobedience, we and the world were broken by sin. Jesus, as the full expression of God, came to bring us life in God through his death and resurrection. Jesus’ sacrifice is the only means of our rescue and the only way to new life & purpose with God. Salvation is freely available for all who will turn from a self-centered life and turn to God, accepting the work Christ accomplished and in doing so, receiving new and eternal life. It is God’s expressed desire for all humanity to be in right relationship with Him to experience the life-changing power of Jesus’ love.
Comprised of 66 books authored over thousands of years by dozens of authors, the Bible tells one seamless story: a passionate God on a relentless pursuit to redeem His creation. The Bible is the authoritative and inspired Word of God and is trustworthy and reliable for telling us who we are and how to live.
The Church is the community who has put their trust in Jesus Christ. The purpose of the Church is to glorify God, make disciples, make Jesus known to a lost world, and meet the needs of those near and far. We believe that Christians are to act in unity and love. We celebrate baptism as a public declaration of new life in Jesus, and communion as an ongoing remembrance of the sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross.
PGWC is a local expression of The Wesleyan Church. Reference the following link for statements of belief associated with marriage and the family within the Wesleyan Church.
We live in inexhaustible hope because one day, Jesus will return to be with his church, to set all things right, and reign eternally as king.
At PGWC, we invite all people to attend, explore, and participate in taking steps of faith towards Jesus. Questions and doubts are part of a growing faith journey, and we believe that the church community is the best place to wrestle with these as we pursue Jesus together. We do not claim to have all the answers, but we do believe that all the answers can be found in Jesus.
Pine Grove Wesleyan Church
74 Bethel Rd. Pine Grove, PA 17963
(570) 345-8422
Worship with us on Sundays at 10:00AM with Kids Church directly following our worship through music time together.
Contact Us: pgwc74@gmail.com