Many times, our pursuit for personal growth or change in an area often feels limited because of a lack of accountability, full schedules, or unexpected struggles from everyday living. What if we allowed ourselves to participate in relationships with people who would partner with us as we pursue our growth?
Imagine reaching personal prayer goals with the help and encouragement of others. Imagine finding support and care from others after sharing some of life’s hardest struggles. Better yet, imagine if you were able to learn a new skill, sport, or hobby with people who make you laugh as you learn and grow. Join a group and experience the life changing impact that relationships bring.
Join Pastor Dave every Sunday morning at 8AM in the sanctuary as we pray over our service.
Here at PGWC it is our desire to Reach, Equip, Affirm, and Love each and every man that walks through these doors. It's REAL and authentic relationships that draw men to a REAL relation with God. We’re here to build up men so that they may be a blessing to their families, their workplaces, their church, and every place God positions them. We want REAL men willing to be led by the Spirit of God to have REAL transformed lives that leave REAL legacies.
Men of all ages are invited to join us every Sunday morning at 8:30AM in Classroom 1 as we get REAL.
Judy Dagostino: Wesleyan Curriculum (8:30AM; Classroom 2)
Betty Ann Deaven: Gospel of John (8:30AM; Classroom 3)
Here at PGWC we value every person regardless of ability. Our Disability Support Group is a time to celebrate those who for too long have been forgotten or neglected. As a church we see the beauty of everyone made in the image of God, we honor them and remind ourselves that a church is incomplete without the gifts and blessings that people with disabilities bring.
Join us each Monday at 11AM in Classroom 3 as we pray, support, and hear how God has uniquely designed each one of us for his purpose.
Women of all ages are invited to join us every Wednesday morning at 10AM in Classroom 3.
Join Pastor Amber every Wednesday night at 6:30PM in the sanctuary as we pray for the sick, our community, our church, and other various needs.
All women are invited to join us each Thursday night at 6:30PM here at PGWC as we discover the transformative journey of honoring God with our body through dedicated stewardship and spiritual growth.
74 Bethel Road, Pine Grove, Pennsylvania 17963, United States
Pine Grove Wesleyan Church
74 Bethel Rd. Pine Grove, PA 17963
(570) 345-8422
Worship with us on Sundays at 10:00AM with Kids Church directly following our worship through music time together.
Contact Us: pgwc74@gmail.com